Engineering a New Banking Model

For most of my adult life, I have followed what I call the Traditional Banking Model.  However, in the post-Covid era, that is no longer the most efficient way to pay the bills.  The ultra high inflation, in aggregate, over the last few years has forced me to seek out new funds and new savings so I can humbly pay the bills I never once had trouble paying before (thought I'd throw that in for any Star Trek fans out there).

I am an engineer by degree and by nature.  As an engineer, I actively designed a new way to optimize my banking needs.  My goal is to not only make paying the bills easier and less time consuming, but also attempt to make money in the process of paying those bills.  In essence, if I am not somehow making money from each and every bill I pay, then I am doing something wrong!

This page provides an index of the articles in "reading order".  As I publish new articles on the topic, I will add them to the list below.

The Payment from Savings Banking Model

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